At our company, we believe in the power of remote teamwork, the importance of maintaining a human connection in the work environment, the balance between personal and professional life for the success of any company and the happiness of people who work in it. We know that work as a team remotely can be challenging lead to a lack of business identification, group cohesion and interpersonal contact. but we believe that this does not have to be this way.

For this reason, we organize retreats for hybrid and remote companies in rural environments where we carry out activities that promote a sense of belonging and strengthen a corporate culture.


Workation Planet offers a space for teams that work remotely or digital nomads to meet in person in rural environments in Argentina.

For this, we provide accommodation in boutique hotels, recreational activities in a natural environment, coworking spaces and high-speed internet connection.


We are a passionate entrepreneurial team that provides a unique experience to the increasing movement of remote or hybrid companies.

Due to our experience, we are familiarized with the challenges of teleworking. we have created this project in regions that thanks to their natural spaces and their actors in agricultural, craft and artistic production, became the perfect place for the organization of workations for remote companies and teams, as well as for all types of transformative meetings.

Currently, we are operating from argentina, and our project is to expand next year to new countries in the region.

Cristian Curto

Social communicator with a diploma in sustainable tourism (Blas Pascal University). Host of the podcast “The great resignation”.

Roberto Shlesinger

Corporate director in various companies with more than 20 years of experience leading remote teams. Host of the podcast “The great resignation”.

Remote work ⋅ Rest ⋅ Collaboration ⋅ Productivity ⋅ Flexibility ⋅ Innovation ⋅ Community ⋅ Adventure ⋅ Connection ⋅ Inspiration ⋅ Travel ⋅ Discovery ⋅ Learning ⋅ Well-being ⋅ Creativity ⋅ Balance ⋅ Environment change ⋅ Networking ⋅ Fun

What do media and reports say about workation experiences?


Workation”: la nueva tendencia que mezcla el trabajo con el placer de viajar

El coronavirus demostró que podemos trabajar desde cualquier sitio. Los hoteles, hostels, castillos y estancias se transforman en espacios coworking, y las estadías y espacios familiares en áreas de estudio/trabajo y planes inhouse. De qué se trata el “workation”

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Adiós vacaciones, hola workations. El nuevo equilibrio entre trabajo y ocio

Gracias a la flexibilidad del home office, cada vez gana más terreno la tendencia de encarar la jornada laboral desde un nuevo entorno, esquivando la rutina

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Workation, una tendencia que crece a pasos agigantados en Argentina

Cada vez más personas se suman a esta práctica que permite renovar la energía sin dejar de cumplir con las obligaciones laborales.

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